

Multiple scenarios aim to amplify contemporary events and experiment different dimensions on the Untouchable Piazza.

Unexplored Territory – like the Tabularium gallery, the underground is an available land reserve which provides a mysterious world. Digging into Piranesian spaces, the epidermis of the piazza will reveal historical remains and give the opportunity to create multiple programs, with optimal climatic conditions: the inertia of the ground ensures a cool space in the summer and diffuse the heat during the colder months.

Protest Gallery – standing above the piazza in order to host a permanent space for ephemeral protests. Connecting historical, cultural and political buildings, using technology and online social network, the gallery defends spontaneous expression of civilians, citizens, and communities. It breaks the central axis perspective, echoing what drives the demonstrators: make a society shift. A citizen forum in suspension – detached from Piazza del Campidoglio occupied itself by the continuous flow of tourists – which gives visibility to the vox populi and allow people to gather, share, and confront their visions.

Living in the Air – Superstructures hosting housing, services and public spaces above the stone made city. A densification tool to discover new perspectives, intensify the urban life and engage against the urban sprawl. Due to tourism and private real estate speculation, a new public housing politic should prioritize the access to housing for the local inhabitant and claim ‘‘the right to the city’’, such as defined by Henri Lefebvre.

Intervening in one of Rome’s historical square, requires taking a global critical stance on the condition of the European cities, with regard to the 21st century by an accumulation layers and domains such as historicity, economy, esthetics, climate, politic and technology.

|   The absurdity of the overlay   |

Whatever morphology the city will take, it will always truly depict the collective mindset of its inhabitant. Architecture is a slow process that has to go through all type of resistance; positive or negative. The outcome is a rough representation of the common culture and address the problematics that the people are the readiest to solve.

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